The Futurists and Co-Investors Forum of 2021 “Asia Futurist Leadership Summit” fireside chat is held on January 22. Robert Cheung, Assured Co-Founder and CEO is invited to offer his insight on direct investing or collective investing in fund mode, which one is better.

The Asia Futurist Leadership Summit is hosted by the Association of Family Offices in Asia (AFO). AFO is a professional society in Asia which distinctively gathers single & multifamily offices, co-investors, solutions providers together as well as the industry societies in the region.

The fireside chat is moderated by Mr. Conrad Tsang, Founder & Chairman of Strategic Year Holdings Ltd & President of HKVCA. The 5 panelists are: Mr. Robert Cheung, Co-founder and CEO, Assured Asset Management; Mr. Justin Chan, Managing Partner, LQ Pacific Partners Ltd; Mr. Bian Fang, CEO, Bison Bank; Mr. Victor Feret, Managing Partner, Harvey Feret; and Dr. Eric Poon, Executive Vice Chairman.

Robert Cheung provides his views on the asset management trends and investment opportunities such as consumer credit for 2021.
For more details about2021 Asia Futurist Leadership Summit, please visit https://bit.ly/3p7HDtq