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Revealing CoreWeave’s Strategic Milestones: 5 Key Insights

Thrilled to share the latest milestone from CoreWeave – a major player in cloud computing and technology. 1. Massive Funding Milestone: CoreWeave achieves a remarkable $642 million minority investment led by Fidelity Management & Research Company solidifying its influence in…

AI Investment Revolution Captivates High-Net-Worth Families

High-net-worth families are increasingly intrigued by the AI revolution for investing.  By 2026, global AI expenditure, covering both software and hardware, is predicted to surpass $300 billion, more than double the 2022 figure of $118 billion, based on the report from…

Family Offices Maintain Optimism for Private Equity Growth

The UBS 2023 Global Family Office Report highlights family offices still have ambitions to enhance their private equity holdings over the next five years.  Although their optimism may be slightly tempered compared to previous years, there is still a notable…

Assured Asset Management is pleased to return to the 14th Asian Financial Forum to share our experience in dealing with the epidemic crisis amongst others and to participate in startup pitching as an investment mentor

14th Asian Financial Forum has returned to Hong Kong online. The COVID-19 pandemic brought upon unprecedented challenges for the global asset management industry. Crisis management has become a key issue for enterprises in this uncertain era. Since Q1 2020, Assured Asset…

Assured, AAM 2020 Award winner, attended Virtual Awards Event

Assured Asset Management (“Assured” ) has again impressed the panel of Best of the Best Awards as the winner of “ Fintech Innovation in Asian Asset Management” in 2020. Assured’s innovative Traceable Accounts Payable (“TAP”) solution in supply chain together…

Pandemic Investment: From Fear to Prosperity

It is difficult to conclude that we will ever be the same after the chapter of COVID-19. The events of the last few months interrupted one of the longest economic expansions in the US history. Before the virus struck, US…

Pandemic investing: CARES does care and beyond

When the US Congress passed the US$2trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) at the end of March, they really did a lot for small businesses and individuals. The purpose, in our view, is simple: to provide liquidity…

Pandemic Investment: When will it all end?

“Every question about when the country reopens is actually a question of when testing will be good enough to allow it to reopen. Every question about the virus itself — how lethal it is, how many people have it without…

Economic Uncertainty Drives Global Market Panic

Coronavirus uncertainties destabilize global economies The novel Coronavirus has caused significant suffering and major economic disruption on a global scale. As the virus continues to spread, it can be expected that it will continue to drive market turbulence and bring…

Assured Wishes You Health Amid Novel Coronavirus

News surrounding the Novel Coronavirus has been all but inescapable. As serious a situation as the virus presents, basic hygienic measures can be extremely beneficial in maintaining good health for yourself and those around you.

Tepid Growth Amid Volatile Headwinds

Despite persisting global uncertainties, we hold a cautiously optimistic outlook for the world economy in 2020. Major headlines, including the US-China trade war and Brexit, are likely to continue influencing the global economy; however, the 2020 macro environment may mark…

2019 in Review: Time to Prepare for 2020

2019 has been a turbulent year for global asset performance. Macroeconomic factors like Brexit and the Trade War aroused salient market swings through weakening global economic momentum and heightening geopolitical risk. The global economic slowdown dragged overall manufacturing, with a…

As Traditional Markets Dim, Consumer Credit Shines

The pursuit of attractive investment opportunities has become increasingly tumultuous as political and governmental uncertainties escalate. Following the 2008/9 financial crisis, investors expected central banks to gradually curtail Quantitative Easing (QE), a monetary tool whereby a central bank purchases government…

Brexit and the Decoupling of Two Global Economies

News about Brexit has been all but inescapable. On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom opened the booths to vote for the referendum to leave the European Union. On March 29, 2017, former UK Prime Minister Theresa May submitted Article…

Investor Impact Amongst Negative Yield Markets

Recent financial headlines have focused on the impact of Zero Lower Bound and negative interest rates. The Zero Lower Bound signifies that nominal interest rates are at or below zero and that particular investment yields are effectively negative. For investors,…

FinEX Asia Changes Name to Assured Asset Management

HONG KONG (16 September, 2019) – We are pleased to announce that FinEX Asia has changed its name to Assured Asset Management (“Assured”), effective immediately. FinEX Asia is an asset management firm that leverages advanced technologies to drive efficient global…

Understanding the Risk of US Consumer Credit

There is no secret that consumers play an important role in driving US economy given how close everyone is monitoring US consumer confidence level. As a result, US consumer finance market is at the core of the US economy. The…

Why Invest in US Consumer Loans?

Diversification is crucial to a well-balanced optimized portfolio. Many investors typically invest in traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds; however, alternative asset investment has picked up over the last decade due to its valuable contribution to portfolio diversification.

FinEX Asia Highlighted as Best HK Blockchain Startup

Asia Blockchain Review published an article titled “Hong Kong, a great place for blockchain startups” and highlighted FinEX Asia as one of Hong Kong’s best blockchain startups. With strong governmental support, Hong Kong has become a major blockchain development hub…

Upcoming Rate Cuts and their Impact on Asset Prices

The US economy has experienced consistent growth over the past decade, marking the country’s longest period of continued economic expansion in history. In recent Congress testimony, the Chairman of Federal Reserve further agreed that the US economy is far from…

FinEX Asia Won The Asset 2019 Editors’ Triple Star Award

The Asset sets the benchmark in Asia for investment and custody service and the Award assesses both buyside institutions and sell sider provides in Asia’s dynamic asset servicing industry. Editors’ Triple Star Award is to award companies that offer innovative…

What Differences Will Hong Kong Virtual Banks Bring?

Hong Kong has recently granted four virtual banking licenses to Livi VB Limited, SC Digital Solutions Limited, ZhongAn Virtual Finance Limited and WeLab, a local financial technology (FinTech) startup in Hong Kong. After the granting of these four banking licenses,…

FinEX Asia Funds Approved to Register in Korea

HONG KONG (25 April, 2019) – FinEX Asia Investment Limited (“FinEX Asia”) has obtained approval by the Korean Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) to solicit fund products in South Korea. FinEX Asia is expanding quickly and views Korea as a key…

How Does Fintech Offer Both Return and Liquidity?

While managing the liquidity of assets has long been the key topic in the asset management industry, how to maintain good liquidity and to provide investors with higher return has even been an arduous task which is not easy to…

FinEX Asia Names Robert Cheung as CEO

HONG KONG (28 March, 2019) – We are pleased to announce that Robert Cheung has been appointed to CEO at FinEX Asia Investment Limited (“FinEX Asia”), effective immediately. Robert succeeds US credit market risk expert, Maggie Ng. Under Maggie’s leadership,…

FinEX Asia Named Hong Kong Top 20 Fintech Startups

FinEX Asia is called one of Hong Kong Top 20 Fintech Startups by Fintechnews in the wealthtech sector. Fintechnews is a media specialized in fintech reporting. After tracking the performance and announcements from hundreds of Hong Kong based fintech companies,…

Watching Fed’s Move as US Economic Data Turns

Recent released economic data has given us a taste about the year ahead of us. In this article, we will review the important ones related to the US job market and GDP, and then comment on the possible reactions that…

Global Asset Allocation Outlook

The trade tension between the US and China, the policy normalization by the US Fed and China’s curbing a record borrowing binge, the embattled Brexit from the European Union, and rising political cacophony across the globe, together mounted the fear…

FinEX Asia Wins Asia Asset Management Magazine Award

Asia Asset Management Magazine (AAM) announced on January 16 that FinEX Asia won the “2019 Hong Kong Best Wealth Management Platform Award”. FinEX Asia is committed to continuously provide the best service to our investors and is delighted to be…

FinEX Asia Advisor Soul Htite Shares at AFF Panel

The 12th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) officially open today! Soul Htite, the world-renowned fintech entrepreneur, chairman and founder of Dianrong, advisor of FinEX Asia attends the opening ceremony and is invited in a panel discussion to share his view. Fintech…

See You Next Monday at AFF

The biggest finance focus forums in the region– the 12th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) will be held on 14-15 Jan (Monday-Tuesday) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). FinEx Asia has two speeches and company booth at AFF…

Is Technology a Solution for Asset Management?

The global asset management industry is facing major reforms. Changes in the investment environment such as market’s volatility due to uncertainties, growingly stringent regulations, continuous changes in investors’ preferences, and digitalization brought by technology, have all intensified the new business…

2018, What a Year!

Marking ten years since the global financial crisis, 2018 has been a tough year for many businesses and investors around the globe. For the first time in a decade, corporate bonds and stocks are set to post negative returns.As governments…

FinEX Asia Shared at AI Institutional Investment Forum

The international financial media Asian Investors magazine held the 10th Southeast Asia Institutional Investment Forum in Singapore on December 5-6, inviting financial industry professionals to discuss how to prepare for the next recession. Maggie Ng, the founder and CEO of…

2019 US Economy and Consumer Credit Outlook

2018 overall is not a bad year for the U.S when it comes to economy growth. Even the monetary policies tightened by Fed, the U.S. economy, with the help of fiscal measures, has been outperforming other developed economies in 2018:…

What You Need to Know about Investing in Consumer Credit

With the development of the technology and internet,individual and institutional investors have the opportunity to invest in consumer credit directly. But as with any form of investment, there is an element of risk attached. This article explores possible risks associated with…

Fintech: The New DNA of Financial Services

Fintech—a merger of finance and technology—is bringing revolutionary change to the banking and investment industry in the same way as how e-commerce is disrupting the retail industry. The adoption of artificial intelligence and data mining has been particularly prominent in…

How We See the US Midterm Election

Midterm elections don’t usually draw much attention and the voter turnout rate tends to be low. But this time is different. Voter turnout for the 2018 midterm elections reached new highs: an estimated 113 million voters cast ballots, making this…

FinEX Asia: How to Bring Deals and Investors Together

FinEX Asia is the first fintech asset management company connecting Asian investors with global investment opportunities in US consumer credit and private equity. Asia Asset Management (AAM) interviewed with FinEX Asia Co-Founder and President Angie Lin to share FinEx Asia…

FinEX Asia CEO Maggie Ng Speaks at SFF

FinEX Asia participated at the Singapore FinTech Festival held at the Singapore Expo 12-16 November 2018. The grand finale by FinEX Asia was held at AI Box open stage, where FinEX Asia CEO, Maggie Ng, gave a speech regarding how…

FinEX Asia to Attend Singapore Fintech Festival 2018

Supported by Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”), Singapore FinTech Festival (“SFF”) has the long lasting reputation of being one the world’s largest platform for the global FinTech community and it is back from 12 to 16 November this year. We…

FinEX Asia in Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018

Hong Kong FinTech Week hosted by InvestHK ran from October 30 to November 2, and it took place in Hong Kong and Shenzhen this year. FinEX Asia has achieved several milestones and has extended its client base from Asia to…

Why Invest in Private Equity?

Asset allocation has historically focused on traditional asset classes—public equities, fixed income and cash instruments. However, given the outlook for continued modest traditional market returns and rising inflation, investors are increasingly looking at private equity to improve portfolio performance over…

Emerging Markets Currency Update

On October 8th2018, IMF has cut its global growth forecasts for 2018-19 to 3.7%, 0.2 percentage point down for both years than their last assessments in April 2018. In the report, IMF believed economic growth is easing in Latin America,…

Technology’s Impact on Financial Services

FinTech is everywhere nowadays. The finance people talk about it. The technology people talk about it and the list goes on. Yet, it seems that not everyone has the same view or level of knowledge on the topic. The technology…

The World a Decade After Crisis

On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the United States, declared bankruptcy in the 158th year since its incorporation. The instantly escalated subprime mortgage storm drew urgent attention to the most serious financial crisis since…

Which Asset Class Shines When Interest Rates Rise?

History shows that bonds and equities aren’t necessarily the best investment options in a rising interest rate environment. The last rate hike cycle in the US was more than a decade ago. The Fed began raising rates in June 2004,…

Big data & AI: Rewriting the Rules of Credit Scoring

Big data analytics based on artificial intelligence (AI) models can play a major role in improving credit scoring and providing higher security to lenders and protection to borrowers. With almost $3.8 trillion in debt recorded in September 2017, credit lending is a…

The Rise of Fintech: Better Access, Better Service

One of the main focus of Fund Forum Asia this year is the digital impact on the fund management and wealth management industry and it is hard not to address how digital marketing may also transform the industry. Alexandru Agachi, COO…

China, the Next Global Fintech Leader?

With retail banking in the region becoming an increasingly digital proposition the future of customer- led retail banking distribution, no wonder the discussion of what defines success in this era of customer- led distribution is the topic of Fund Forum…

Emerging Market Currency Analysis

The Emerging Market currencies have been experiencing increased volatility lately. This has been due to a combination of the strengthening dollar as well as deteriorating trade relations. While the broader Emerging Market currencies were facing increased volatility since 2018, matters…

Embracing the FinTech Revolution

FinEX Asia is being interviewed by InvestHK and our management share our views on FinTech case study. A new Hong Kong FinTech company has grown so quickly in its first year of operations that it has had three separate growth…

Why FICO is the Most Effective Scoring System in Lending

As more countries adopt credit scoring systems, the original credit score still stands above the rest. Modern credit scoring assigns a specific, comparable number to each person’s creditworthiness, allowing lenders to make more informed decisions about which loans to make…

Asset Management: Evolution or Revolution?

As new technology expands the options investors have for selecting the right investment, will the asset management industry undergo evolution or revolution? While the means of financial access and investment change, what doesn’t change is trust, Angie Lin, President and…

Building a Smart Portfolio, Simplified

Asset management can be a complex thing, but creating a portfolio follows a few easy-to-understand steps. In this post, we will lay out the fundamentals of portfolio construction and explain how it works through the example of a FinEX Asia…

As Trade War Intensifies, Watch for Soaring Inflation

The trade wars have moved from political rhetoric to actual law, affecting global trade flows between the world’s largest economies. For the US, the biggest burden may be a rise in inflation, potentially forcing the US Federal Reserve (Fed) to…

Asia Has Massive Undeveloped Financial Opportunities

At the 2018 Yabuli Youth Forum Innovation Annual Meeting on June 23, FinEX Asia co-founder and President Angie Lin explained how simplicity, transparency and efficiency are the biggest pain points for financial technology in Asia. The following is the text of…

Neutral Rates, Stronger Consumers

The US Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates again in June, arriving at many economists call a neutral policy rate. Calculated in different ways, the neutral policy rate basically means the Fed is neither stimulating the economy nor restraining it.

PE Investment Connects Fintech with Global Capital Flows

How does the financial technology (fintech) industry connect with global capital flows? The answer is private equity investment. Angie Lin, Co-founder and President at FinEX Asia delivered a keynote speech at the Fintech Gloria event on June 7 in Taipei…

Difference Between Bond and Consumer Lending Investment

If you are looking for a lucrative investment strategy, many investment experts will suggest the idea of high-yield corporate bonds. Corporate bonds and other types of investment solutions can be an excellent way that you can develop fairly secure investments…

US Personal Loans Market as a Safe Haven

Last week we witnessed dramatic declines of the stock markets all across the world. The last time something like this happened was in 2008, when subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the US. Now speculations intensified about the likelihood of…

Think Smart – Invest Like a Bank

Consumer lending continues to generate revenues for not only traditional banks, but for a new breed of technology – based lending platform as well. While this vertical continues to be both attractive and lucrative, it has yet to catch on…

2017 Investment Review

2017 was a nervous, eventful, and rather productive year. The recovery of the world economy has gradually gained momentum, and this fact did not fail to affect the profitability of the investments. The undisputed leader among the investment assets was…

AI-enhanced Investing: 2018 and Beyond

Artificial Intelligence (AI), again one of those terms that everybody talks about yet very few actually have a clue. Loosely being used interchangeably with Machine Learning (ML) and seemingly has much to do with data analytics in general, most have…

US Consumer Lending in 2017

The beginning of the year is not just a whole series of holidays but also the right time to sum up the results of 2017 and try to predict what to expect in 2018. Last year was quite a good…

Cryptos : To Be or Not to Be

It has certainly been quite a while since we were last bombarded by a series of funds all running a similar ‘emerging’ strategy. Cryptos 'Multi-Strategy' is suddenly all the rave as we see funds mushrooming across the globe from Jersey…

Blockchain and Customer Service in Banking

While we have seen the various merits of block chain technology with relation to asset management and the core of financial technology, it's tough to connect the dots and see if block chain will have answers in customer service as…

The Future of AI

AI technology is expanding at a rapid pace and while some of the simple or weak AI systems that have been developed are implemented for everyday data analysis, customer service and more, future systems could represent drastic changes in society.

How AI is Transforming Wealth Management

Does the Idea of placing your trust in one single advisor to transform and manage your wealth seem quite stressful? Well the future of wealth management looks like it could be dominated more so with AI. Wealth management is being…

AI and Financial Services

AI today is advancing at a rapid pace and one of the biggest industries that is interested in investing in this new type of technology is that of finance. Many banks and lending institutions are interested in ramping up their…

Artificial Intelligence 101 – Introduction to AI

Artificial intelligence is something that is being talked about more than ever. The term AI is something that has been around since the 1950s as the idea of creating a machine that can learn. Today there are many companies that…

Five Misconceptions on Online Marketplace Lending

Online marketplace lending is exploding in popularity among consumers and investors all over the world. This sector only got its start in 2005 with a few daring European firms. Today, the global value of this industry exceeds $180 billion, and…

Origins of Online Marketplace Lending

Finance buzzwords come and go, but the truth is that while “marketplace lending” is a term that has only been bandied about for a decade, the concept itself can be traced back to the roots of civilization itself. The concept…

Key Takeaways from Hong Kong Fintech Week

The second annual Hong Kong Fintech Week brought together some of the sharpest minds and most forward thinkers in finance and technology. The event ran from October 23rd through October 27th. The program had three organizing sponsors.

The Advantages of Blockchain for Data Security

Data security is one of the biggest threats for all internet-connected companies. However, financial firms tend to be especially attractive targets for thieves and other cyber criminals. Often it seems the companies and hackers are in a cyber security arms…

How Technology is Increasing Transparency

The ever-increasing pace of technological advancement has unleashed a lot of powerful forces in societies around the world. One of the forces that are changing the way financial consumers form business relationships is transparency. All across the world there is…

How FinTech is Reshaping Wealth Management

Despite a running start of over two centuries, in just a few short years, traditional wealth management models have discovered that every facet of their basic business models are under threat both perceptually and economically from hundreds of new entrants.

What You Need to Know About FinTech and Financial Services

One of the fastest growing sectors of the current tech boom has been FinTech. FinTech includes companies as internet payment giant PayPal, a cloud-based human resources platform called Zenefits, and a consumer credit monitoring and repair service called Credit Karma.

Online Marketplace Lending: Opportunities and Challenges

Online marketplace lending is booming. Online lender Prosper recently closed a $50 million round of funding. While there is no authoritative value for the global online marketplace lending industry, the U.S. Treasury is interested enough in the sector to have released…

Five Major Hurdles Facing Professional Asian Investors

Professional investors throughout Asia are facing major hurdles when they are looking to expand their portfolios. However, thanks to a growing global economy, exciting new technology, and innovative business practices, none of these hurdles are insurmountable.

What You Need to Know From Lendit Europe 2017

For two days in early October, Europe’s financial services sector movers and shakers met in London to discuss what the future of the industry will look like. Lendit Europe is the premier event for innovation in financial services. During this…

Why Invest in US Consumer Loans?

Investing in consumer loans can be a unique investment strategy that can deliver increased security for investors that may not be interested in investing in commodities, stocks or assets. Investing in US consumer loans can also add a well-rounded support…

Online Marketplace Lending as an Investment

Online marketplace lending is becoming a very popular way for investors to utilize a start-up economy as a means for lending individuals their money to receive investment dollars back for their initial lending investment. From a marketplace lending space, a person…

Return of US Consumer Loan Investing

There are many situations for Americans in which there is a need for money as soon as possible. Urgent loans or consumer loans are often a solution that many Americans take on in order for them to avoid having to…

FinEX Asia Introduces to Hong Kong

FinEX Asia today kicked off the inaugural, a new forum with global fintech CEOs about the ongoing evolution of fintech in Asia Pacific. Similar forums will be held in Taipei (18 July) and Singapore (20 July) as part of…
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Shaune Lim, CEO of Assured Asset Management Singapore, Shares Insight on How AI Enhances Customer Experience in Financial Services at the Asia Risk Congress 2024

Shaune Lim, CEO of Assured Asset Management Singapore, recently moderated a session on “Creating a Customized Customer Experience Powered by AI” at the Asia Risk Congress 2024. Joining him on the panel was Celine Le Cotonnec, Chief Data Innovation Officer at the Bank of Singapore. As an experienced investment expert,…

Assured Asset Management Co-Founder Angie Lin Revealed Future Trends and Opportunities of AI-Driven Cultural and Creative Industries in an Interview with The News Lens

As AI technology evolves rapidly, the cultural and creative industries have experienced remarkable advancements by integrating AI. What new form will the AI-driven cultural and creative sector take? How can we identify future trend opportunities? Angie Lin, Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Assured Asset Management, and Joe Chen, CEO…

Assured Asset Management Embarks on Cultural Journey with ‘She & Hers’ Exhibition, Pioneering Immersive Experience and Celebrating Women’s Heritage

The “She & Hers” special exhibition, organized by the Yilan County Government Cultural Bureau with the generous support of the Taipei Palace Museum and co-exhibited by the Yilan County Lanyang Museum in Taiwan, celebrated its grand opening on March 9 amidst great anticipation. During this event, Robert Cheung, Co-Founder and…

Revealing CoreWeave’s Strategic Milestones: 5 Key Insights

Thrilled to share the latest milestone from CoreWeave – a major player in cloud computing and technology. 1. Massive Funding Milestone: CoreWeave achieves a remarkable $642 million minority investment led by Fidelity Management & Research Company solidifying its influence in the dynamic realm of cloud computing. Investors’ confidence propels CoreWeave…

Angie Lin, Co-Founder of Assured Asset Management, Named 2023 Awardee of IWEC Foundation, Recognizing Global Entrepreneurial Leadership

We are thrilled to announce and celebrate Angie Lin, Co-Founder of Assured Asset Management, as the 2023 Awardee of the International Women’s Entrepreneurial Challenge (IWEC) Foundation! The IWEC Foundation stands as a globally influential organization, dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs. Angie’s remarkable success at Assured Asset Management, specializing in private…

AI Investment Revolution Captivates High-Net-Worth Families

High-net-worth families are increasingly intrigued by the AI revolution for investing.  By 2026, global AI expenditure, covering both software and hardware, is predicted to surpass $300 billion, more than double the 2022 figure of $118 billion, based on the report from research firm IDC. This surge is set to yield a…

Exploring Tomorrow’s Tech: Insights from Angie Lin, Co-Founder of Assured Asset Management, on the ‘塞掐 Side Chat’ Podcast

In recent years, there have been several waves of technological reforms worldwide. Examples include the Internet, the sharing economy, and more recently, AI. These changes have transformed human life and business models, while also bringing about excellent investment opportunities. What are the most noteworthy technological trends for the future? Angie…

Family Offices Maintain Optimism for Private Equity Growth

The UBS 2023 Global Family Office Report highlights family offices still have ambitions to enhance their private equity holdings over the next five years.  Although their optimism may be slightly tempered compared to previous years, there is still a notable positive sentiment. Encouragingly, over the next five years, 41% of…

Private Markets Remain a Significant Pillar in Family Office Portfolios

The diversification of allocations is crucial for family offices, and the private market holds significant importance in this regard.  As per the 2023 BlackRock Global Family Office Survey, the findings indicate that private markets remain a fundamental component of portfolios. In comparison to the previous study conducted two years ago,…

Assured Asset Management is pleased to return to the 14th Asian Financial Forum to share our experience in dealing with the epidemic crisis amongst others and to participate in startup pitching as an investment mentor

14th Asian Financial Forum has returned to Hong Kong online. The COVID-19 pandemic brought upon unprecedented challenges for the global asset management industry. Crisis management has become a key issue for enterprises in this uncertain era. Since Q1 2020, Assured Asset Management has taken steps to provide a safer working environment…

Assured, AAM 2020 Award winner, attended Virtual Awards Event

Assured Asset Management (“Assured” ) has again impressed the panel of Best of the Best Awards as the winner of “ Fintech Innovation in Asian Asset Management” in 2020. Assured’s innovative Traceable Accounts Payable (“TAP”) solution in supply chain together with its management platform to connect asset managers with alternative…

Pandemic Investment: From Fear to Prosperity

It is difficult to conclude that we will ever be the same after the chapter of COVID-19. The events of the last few months interrupted one of the longest economic expansions in the US history. Before the virus struck, US unemployment rate was at 3.5%, the lowest in one decade…

Pandemic investing: CARES does care and beyond

When the US Congress passed the US$2trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) at the end of March, they really did a lot for small businesses and individuals. The purpose, in our view, is simple: to provide liquidity to businesses and individuals that are harmed by measures taken…

Pandemic Investment: When will it all end?

“Every question about when the country reopens is actually a question of when testing will be good enough to allow it to reopen. Every question about the virus itself — how lethal it is, how many people have it without knowing they have it — can only be answered by…

Pandemic effect: Insights after the shocking first quarter

The first quarter of 2020 is for sure going to leave its mark on history. Lots of record-breaking news and none of them is good news. Everything that could go wrong went wrong at the same time. In the 33 years history of introducing market-wide circuit breakers, it has been…

Economic Uncertainty Drives Global Market Panic

Coronavirus uncertainties destabilize global economies The novel Coronavirus has caused significant suffering and major economic disruption on a global scale. As the virus continues to spread, it can be expected that it will continue to drive market turbulence and bring a material impact on the near-term global economy. According to…

How Blockchain-based Supply Chain Finance Helps Solve Financing Pressures

(This article was written by Angie Lin, co-founder and chief investment officer of Assured Asset Management, and posted in the Masters’ Opinion in Commercial Times on 26 Feb, 2020). While corporate financing is difficult in an ordinary business climate, many enterprises are currently facing heightened financing challenges in light of…

US China Trade Deal Eases Short Term Worries, Long Term Uncertainties Persist

Phase One US China trade deal symbolizes de-escalation in trade war Trade disputes between the US and China have escalated since 2018, pitting the two largest world economies against each other in a conflict that has greatly weakened global investor confidence and business development opportunity. Additionally, significant trade uncertainties and…

Assured Wishes You Health Amid Novel Coronavirus

News surrounding the Novel Coronavirus has been all but inescapable. As serious a situation as the virus presents, basic hygienic measures can be extremely beneficial in maintaining good health for yourself and those around you.

Tepid Growth Amid Volatile Headwinds

Despite persisting global uncertainties, we hold a cautiously optimistic outlook for the world economy in 2020. Major headlines, including the US-China trade war and Brexit, are likely to continue influencing the global economy; however, the 2020 macro environment may mark a stark shift from the dynamics of 2019 – a…

The Impact of Technology on Financial Services: Workshop in Review

Modern institutions play a significant role in our lives – from wealth management to insurance and everything in between, financial service providers help prepare us for the future while managing risk of the unknown. That said, many startups are beginning to assert large institutions as costly middlemen ripe for technological…

2019 in Review: Time to Prepare for 2020

2019 has been a turbulent year for global asset performance. Macroeconomic factors like Brexit and the Trade War aroused salient market swings through weakening global economic momentum and heightening geopolitical risk. The global economic slowdown dragged overall manufacturing, with a decline in industrial production sounding alarms on profitability concerns amid…

Assured Asset Management Launches Supply Chain Finance Solution with Shui On Group

[12 Dec. 2019, Hong Kong] – Assured Asset Management (“Assured”), a Hong Kong-based technology-driven asset manager, has launched its Traceable Accounts Payable (“TAP”) platform with the Shui On Group. TAP is a blockchain-based digital payment system backed by approved supplier account receivables and contract payables issued by anchor enterprises. The…

Consumer Sector, the Hero of the US Economy in 2019

Last month, the Fed had announced the benchmark rate cut for the third time this year to prevent the economy to fall due to global weakness and the trade uncertainty. The Fed Fund Rate is currently ranging from 1.5% to 1.75%. Though the record-long US expansion cooled further in the…

As Traditional Markets Dim, Consumer Credit Shines

The pursuit of attractive investment opportunities has become increasingly tumultuous as political and governmental uncertainties escalate. Following the 2008/9 financial crisis, investors expected central banks to gradually curtail Quantitative Easing (QE), a monetary tool whereby a central bank purchases government bonds to inject liquidity into the economy, and subsequently raise…

Brexit and the Decoupling of Two Global Economies

News about Brexit has been all but inescapable. On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom opened the booths to vote for the referendum to leave the European Union. On March 29, 2017, former UK Prime Minister Theresa May submitted Article 50 as formal notice of UK withdrawal from the EU,…

Investor Impact Amongst Negative Yield Markets

Recent financial headlines have focused on the impact of Zero Lower Bound and negative interest rates. The Zero Lower Bound signifies that nominal interest rates are at or below zero and that particular investment yields are effectively negative. For investors, this translates to bank deposits and holding bonds to maturity…

FinEX Asia Changes Name to Assured Asset Management

HONG KONG (16 September, 2019) – We are pleased to announce that FinEX Asia has changed its name to Assured Asset Management (“Assured”), effective immediately. FinEX Asia is an asset management firm that leverages advanced technologies to drive efficient global investing amongst dynamic market conditions and a superior financial experience…

What Are the Fixed Income Investment Options in Volatile Times?

Holding cash or putting money in a bank may be a safe option but returns will be meagre. So, what are the options for investors seeking high yield and low-risk solutions? Volatility is dominating the financial markets in the past two years. Investors may try to time the market but…

What to Expect from the Age of Trade Tensions and Economic Protectionism

US-China trade war escalation since April 2018 has critically shaped global markets. On August 2nd, 2019, Donald Trump announced that the US will impose 10% tariffs on all remaining goods imported from China, effective September 1st. As significant consumer goods products will be affected, any additional costs from tariffs will…

Understanding the Risk of US Consumer Credit

There is no secret that consumers play an important role in driving US economy given how close everyone is monitoring US consumer confidence level. As a result, US consumer finance market is at the core of the US economy. The performance of this asset class plays a critical role in…

Why Invest in US Consumer Loans?

Diversification is crucial to a well-balanced optimized portfolio. Many investors typically invest in traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds; however, alternative asset investment has picked up over the last decade due to its valuable contribution to portfolio diversification.

FinEX Asia Highlighted as Best HK Blockchain Startup

Asia Blockchain Review published an article titled “Hong Kong, a great place for blockchain startups” and highlighted FinEX Asia as one of Hong Kong’s best blockchain startups. With strong governmental support, Hong Kong has become a major blockchain development hub in Asia and has attracted local and international players

Upcoming Rate Cuts and their Impact on Asset Prices

The US economy has experienced consistent growth over the past decade, marking the country’s longest period of continued economic expansion in history. In recent Congress testimony, the Chairman of Federal Reserve further agreed that the US economy is far from recession. However, he also noted that recent economic events across…

The Pursuit of Attractive Yield in Contained Risk and Low Volatility

Asia has over 8 million millionaires and it’s rising trend significantly outpaces the global average. From 2011-2016, Asia’s millionaires with investible assets of between USD 1 million to USD 5 million grow by 353.7%, and close to 90% of the millionaire population. These investment savvy, risk-adverse individuals are seeking performance…

Uncertainty from Trade War Leads to Rate-cut Considerations​

Following the research titled “US-China Trade War Tension Has Risen. Who will be the Winner?”, US and China, the two biggest economy continue to capture the spot light for the trade battles. We don’t think there is a winner amid of the trade war. In 2018, the International Monetary Fund…

FinEX Asia Won The Asset 2019 Editors’ Triple Star Award

The Asset sets the benchmark in Asia for investment and custody service and the Award assesses both buyside institutions and sell sider provides in Asia’s dynamic asset servicing industry. Editors’ Triple Star Award is to award companies that offer innovative and market-leading products or services. Only three institutions won awards…

US-China Trade War Tension Has Risen. Who Will Be the Winner?

On May 10th, the Trump administration began to slap higher tariffs on Chinese imports worth US$200 billion from 10% to 25%, jeopardizing a trade deal currently being negotiated by the two countries. On May 13th, the US and China intensified their trade tension, as Beijing said it would increase tariffs…

What Differences Will Hong Kong Virtual Banks Bring?

Hong Kong has recently granted four virtual banking licenses to Livi VB Limited, SC Digital Solutions Limited, ZhongAn Virtual Finance Limited and WeLab, a local financial technology (FinTech) startup in Hong Kong. After the granting of these four banking licenses, the number of licensed banks in Hong Kong has increased…

FinEX Asia Funds Approved to Register in Korea

HONG KONG (25 April, 2019) – FinEX Asia Investment Limited (“FinEX Asia”) has obtained approval by the Korean Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) to solicit fund products in South Korea. FinEX Asia is expanding quickly and views Korea as a key market for achieving its global ambitions. The Korean asset management…

A Patient Federal Reserve and US Consumer Credit Outlook

Following our February article “Watching Fed’s Move as US Economic Data Turns”, it is generally believed that the Fed is going to stop raising interest rates for a while, with recent developments, it is likely for the Fed to even consider a rate cut instead of further rate hike. The…

How Does Fintech Offer Both Return and Liquidity?

While managing the liquidity of assets has long been the key topic in the asset management industry, how to maintain good liquidity and to provide investors with higher return has even been an arduous task which is not easy to fulfill. However, with its development of over a decade, Fintech…

FinEX Asia Names Robert Cheung as CEO

HONG KONG (28 March, 2019) – We are pleased to announce that Robert Cheung has been appointed to CEO at FinEX Asia Investment Limited (“FinEX Asia”), effective immediately. Robert succeeds US credit market risk expert, Maggie Ng. Under Maggie’s leadership, FinEX Asia has become a prominent player in Hong Kong’s…

How Marketplace Lenders Boost the US Consumer Loan Market

Beyond doubt that digital expansion has changed the way how bank clients engage the traditional services with their banks, those financial giants have no choice but sought to catch up by improving user experience and product coverage in the digital way. Digital channels nowadays, provide customers with a wider range…

FinEX Asia Named Hong Kong Top 20 Fintech Startups

FinEX Asia is called one of Hong Kong Top 20 Fintech Startups by Fintechnews in the wealthtech sector. Fintechnews is a media specialized in fintech reporting. After tracking the performance and announcements from hundreds of Hong Kong based fintech companies, Fintechnews announcedthe top 20 fintech companies operating in Hong Kong…

US Consumer Credit: Stable Returns in an Unstable Investment Universe

The start of 2019 has been troublesome with an ominous combination of factors threatening further market turbulence.The longest US government shutdown in history record has damaged livelihoods and dented market confidence; the arduous process of Brexit is approaching a chaotic endgame and spreading uncertainty across Europe

Watching Fed’s Move as US Economic Data Turns

Recent released economic data has given us a taste about the year ahead of us. In this article, we will review the important ones related to the US job market and GDP, and then comment on the possible reactions that the Federal Reserve will take to avoid causing stock market…

FinEX Asia Awarded Most Innovative Data Analytics Project Award

The Asset Triple A Awards are Asia’s preeminent recognition for institutions that have excelled in their respective industry and its Digital Awards is to select financial institutions and technology firms that have stood out in innovating and developing a unique digital experience for customers across the Asia- Pacific and Middle…

FinEX Asia Investment Limited Opens New Chapter; Wins 2 Awards

The winning of “Hong Kong Best Wealth Management Platform Award” from Asia Asset Management Magazine (AAM) and the “ Best Global Fintech Asset Management Platform Award” from Wealth & Finance Magazine in 2018 has made the start of 2019 bright for FinEX Asia Investment Limited (“FinEX Asia”).

FinEX Asia Advisor Soul Htite: How Tech Transforms Finance

There is no disruption in financial industry but there is transformation, and this is not unique to finance, said Mr. Htite. The word “disruption” tends to make people think that banks may be replaced because of technology. However, it actually means change. Banks are not able to cover all customers…

Global Asset Allocation Outlook

The trade tension between the US and China, the policy normalization by the US Fed and China’s curbing a record borrowing binge, the embattled Brexit from the European Union, and rising political cacophony across the globe, together mounted the fear of uncertainties and brought volatilities to the financial markets and…

FinEX Asia Wins Asia Asset Management Magazine Award

Asia Asset Management Magazine (AAM) announced on January 16 that FinEX Asia won the “2019 Hong Kong Best Wealth Management Platform Award”. FinEX Asia is committed to continuously provide the best service to our investors and is delighted to be recognized by the professional body. This award echoes two trends…

FinEX Asia at AFF: How Technology Transforms Asset Management

FinEX Asia Inno Talks at AFF officially launch on January 15th and focus on how technology will transform asset management business. The audiences are impressive on FinEX Asia core technology helps clients to manage their investment. Inno Talks is moderated by Robert Cheung, FinEX Asia COO.

Strong Performance by FinEX Asia at Asian Financial Forum

The 12th Asian Financial Forum was held on January 14-15, 2019. FinEX Asia welcomed countless visitors to its booth, including visits by Paul Chan Mo-po, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong and James Henry Lau Jr., the Secretary of Financial Services and Treasury for Hong Kong. Both were eager to…

FinEX Asia Advisor Soul Htite Shares at AFF Panel

The 12th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) officially open today! Soul Htite, the world-renowned fintech entrepreneur, chairman and founder of Dianrong, advisor of FinEX Asia attends the opening ceremony and is invited in a panel discussion to share his view. Fintech has emerged as a powerful disruptor and one that is…

See You Next Monday at AFF

The biggest finance focus forums in the region– the 12th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) will be held on 14-15 Jan (Monday-Tuesday) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). FinEx Asia has two speeches and company booth at AFF this year. We sincerely welcome you to join us.

Is Technology a Solution for Asset Management?

The global asset management industry is facing major reforms. Changes in the investment environment such as market’s volatility due to uncertainties, growingly stringent regulations, continuous changes in investors’ preferences, and digitalization brought by technology, have all intensified the new business competition

2018, What a Year!

Marking ten years since the global financial crisis, 2018 has been a tough year for many businesses and investors around the globe. For the first time in a decade, corporate bonds and stocks are set to post negative returns.As governments around the globe exit years of ultra-loose monetary policy, global…

FinEX Asia Shared at AI Institutional Investment Forum

The international financial media Asian Investors magazine held the 10th Southeast Asia Institutional Investment Forum in Singapore on December 5-6, inviting financial industry professionals to discuss how to prepare for the next recession. Maggie Ng, the founder and CEO of FinEx Asia, was invited to share how to seek stable…

2019 US Economy and Consumer Credit Outlook

2018 overall is not a bad year for the U.S when it comes to economy growth. Even the monetary policies tightened by Fed, the U.S. economy, with the help of fiscal measures, has been outperforming other developed economies in 2018: The GDP growth accelerates, thanks to the tax cut, to…

What You Need to Know about Investing in Consumer Credit

With the development of the technology and internet,individual and institutional investors have the opportunity to invest in consumer credit directly. But as with any form of investment, there is an element of risk attached. This article explores possible risks associated with investing in consumer credit and also compares

Diversifying Your Portfolio? What to Takeaway from 2018

Even though you are the expert of asset allocation, 2018 would prove to be a tough year for decent returns. Our research team at FinEX Asia has tracked the main asset performance until end of October, and we found that 85% of the asset classes reported negative returns YTD this…

FinEX Asia Presents Asset Management Insights at AAM Pension Forum

The Asia Asset Management Magazine (AAM) held "The 3rd Pensions and ESG Forum - Pensions and Institutional Investments: Where Finance and Technology Meets" in Hong Kong on November 29. FinEx Asia Co-founder and President Angie Lin shared digital asset management experience and how to use technology

Fintech: The New DNA of Financial Services

Fintech—a merger of finance and technology—is bringing revolutionary change to the banking and investment industry in the same way as how e-commerce is disrupting the retail industry. The adoption of artificial intelligence and data mining has been particularly prominent in the online market lending sector

How We See the US Midterm Election

Midterm elections don’t usually draw much attention and the voter turnout rate tends to be low. But this time is different. Voter turnout for the 2018 midterm elections reached new highs: an estimated 113 million voters cast ballots, making this year the first midterm to exceed 100 million votes.

FinEX Asia: How to Bring Deals and Investors Together

FinEX Asia is the first fintech asset management company connecting Asian investors with global investment opportunities in US consumer credit and private equity. Asia Asset Management (AAM) interviewed with FinEX Asia Co-Founder and President Angie Lin to share FinEx Asia how to bring deals and investors together in November issue.

FinEX Asia CEO Maggie Ng Speaks at SFF

FinEX Asia participated at the Singapore FinTech Festival held at the Singapore Expo 12-16 November 2018. The grand finale by FinEX Asia was held at AI Box open stage, where FinEX Asia CEO, Maggie Ng, gave a speech regarding how FinTech enables the creation of the new asset class and…

FinEX Asia Attends Forum for New Book Presentation in SFF

FinEX Asia participated at the Singapore FinTech Festival held at the Singapore Expo 12-16 November 2018. At the official book launch of FinTech: The New DNA of Financial Services with MAS & SMU, FinEX Asia CEO, Maggie Ng, provided a welcome speech as to how this collaboration could help to…

A Closer Look at US Treasuries and Challenges Ahead

The Benchmark 10-year treasury yield ended at 3.16 per cent in October 2018, the highest since 2011. The risk in the yield reflects a fall in the price of bond. Because the yield represents the income as a proportion of the price, a fall in price increase the yield and…

FinEX Asia to Attend Singapore Fintech Festival 2018

Supported by Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”), Singapore FinTech Festival (“SFF”) has the long lasting reputation of being one the world’s largest platform for the global FinTech community and it is back from 12 to 16 November this year. We are delighted to be a part of the SFF this…

FinEX Asia in Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018

Hong Kong FinTech Week hosted by InvestHK ran from October 30 to November 2, and it took place in Hong Kong and Shenzhen this year. FinEX Asia has achieved several milestones and has extended its client base from Asia to US, middle east and Europe. Being the hub of financial…

Why Invest in Private Equity?

Asset allocation has historically focused on traditional asset classes—public equities, fixed income and cash instruments. However, given the outlook for continued modest traditional market returns and rising inflation, investors are increasingly looking at private equity to improve portfolio performance over the long term of the asset class?

Emerging Markets Currency Update

On October 8th2018, IMF has cut its global growth forecasts for 2018-19 to 3.7%, 0.2 percentage point down for both years than their last assessments in April 2018. In the report, IMF believed economic growth is easing in Latin America, the Middle East, and emerging Europe. It also projected lower…

FinEX Asia Featured as Top Fintech Company in Hong Kong

The Fintech industry is the main focus of Hong Kong government and it has attracted elite companies to come to Hong Kong. InvestHK recently listed FinEX Asia as one of the featured Fintech company in Hong Kong, and share FinEX Asia’s story on InvestHK website.

Technology’s Impact on Financial Services

FinTech is everywhere nowadays. The finance people talk about it. The technology people talk about it and the list goes on. Yet, it seems that not everyone has the same view or level of knowledge on the topic. The technology has developed in leaps and bounds over the past two…

The World a Decade After Crisis

On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the United States, declared bankruptcy in the 158th year since its incorporation. The instantly escalated subprime mortgage storm drew urgent attention to the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Understanding Trade: Chronic US Trade Imbalance vs. US Dollar

A country’s trade deficit occurs when this country is buying more goods and services from other countries than it is selling abroad, in other words, when one country consumes more than it produces, it comes with trade deficit. It in some ways indicates that the foreigners are willing to finance…

FinEX Asia Joins HKSAR Financial Secretary in Delegation to Israel

FinEX Asia, one of a select few Fintech companies was invited to join a delegation led by the HKSAR Financial Secretary, Mr. Paul Chan, to explore closer collaboration between Hong Kong and Israel. The key focus of the visit to Israel was on innovation and technology with specific interest in…

The Common Reporting Standard : What It Means For Individuals

Offshore tax planning and wealth management have become highly politicized as they have sometimes been used as means to evade taxes. As a result, tax regulators across the globe are implementing a new standard for the Automatic Exchange of Information called the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

Which Asset Class Shines When Interest Rates Rise?

History shows that bonds and equities aren’t necessarily the best investment options in a rising interest rate environment. The last rate hike cycle in the US was more than a decade ago. The Fed began raising rates in June 2004, continuing until July 2006, anticipating a housing bubble.

Big data & AI: Rewriting the Rules of Credit Scoring

Big data analytics based on artificial intelligence (AI) models can play a major role in improving credit scoring and providing higher security to lenders and protection to borrowers. With almost $3.8 trillion in debt recorded in September 2017, credit lending is a big business in the US.

Still Expecting Double-digit Return Amid Global Stock Market Highs

How should we choose our investment targets amid global stock market highs? Angie Lin, co-founder of FinEX Asia which specializes in FinTech and has launched Asia’s first FinTech asset management platform, advised deep-pocketed investors to include private equity (PE) into their investment portfolios and plan their equity arrangement earlier

The Rise of Fintech: Better Access, Better Service

One of the main focus of Fund Forum Asia this year is the digital impact on the fund management and wealth management industry and it is hard not to address how digital marketing may also transform the industry. Alexandru Agachi, COO of Empiric Capital, opens the panel discussion in Business Leaders…

China, the Next Global Fintech Leader?

With retail banking in the region becoming an increasingly digital proposition the future of customer- led retail banking distribution, no wonder the discussion of what defines success in this era of customer- led distribution is the topic of Fund Forum Asia China Summit held on Monday 3rdSeptember in Hong Kong.

Emerging Market Currency Analysis

The Emerging Market currencies have been experiencing increased volatility lately. This has been due to a combination of the strengthening dollar as well as deteriorating trade relations. While the broader Emerging Market currencies were facing increased volatility since 2018, matters were exacerbated in August with the tumble of the Turkish…

Stepping Into the Digital Era: SFC Guidance on Online Advisory

The Guidelines on Online Distribution and Advisory Platforms, published by the SFC in March 2018, aim to provide welcome clarity to the design and operation of online platforms that sell financial products to investors in Hong Kong. The guidelines will become effective on 6th April, 2019.

Embracing the FinTech Revolution

FinEX Asia is being interviewed by InvestHK and our management share our views on FinTech case study. A new Hong Kong FinTech company has grown so quickly in its first year of operations that it has had three separate growth phases. FinEX Asia operates in three core business segments -…

Why FICO is the Most Effective Scoring System in Lending

As more countries adopt credit scoring systems, the original credit score still stands above the rest. Modern credit scoring assigns a specific, comparable number to each person’s creditworthiness, allowing lenders to make more informed decisions about which loans to make and what interest rate to charge.

US-EU Joint Statement – Has the Trade War Ceased?

Trade tensions between the US and EU started when Trump announced a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% levy on aluminum imports in March, and the EU failed to secure an exemption. Though the EU is a steel importer on a net basis, it exports 500 million tons of…

Long-term Yields from Actively Managed Consumer Credit Assets

With interest rates rising across the globe, volatility has significantly intensified in the bond and stock markets. In this environment, are there any assets that sustain low volatility with an annual yield rate stabilized above 6%? “Yes, of course,” said Angie Lin, President and Co-Founder of FinEX Asia.

Asset Management: Evolution or Revolution?

As new technology expands the options investors have for selecting the right investment, will the asset management industry undergo evolution or revolution? While the means of financial access and investment change, what doesn’t change is trust, Angie Lin, President and Co-Founder of FinEx Asia explained.

Building a Smart Portfolio, Simplified

Asset management can be a complex thing, but creating a portfolio follows a few easy-to-understand steps. In this post, we will lay out the fundamentals of portfolio construction and explain how it works through the example of a FinEX Asia US consumer credit portfolio.

As Trade War Intensifies, Watch for Soaring Inflation

The trade wars have moved from political rhetoric to actual law, affecting global trade flows between the world’s largest economies. For the US, the biggest burden may be a rise in inflation, potentially forcing the US Federal Reserve (Fed) to quicken its pace for further interest rate hikes.

FinEX Asia Supports Hong Kong Government’s Fintech Agenda

FinEX Asia Co-founder and CEO, Maggie Ng, recently joined the Hong Kong Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, at a reception to promote Hong Kong’s fintech community. This invitation reflects the role FinEX Asia is taking in promoting fintech in Hong Kong and around the region.

Asia Has Massive Undeveloped Financial Opportunities

At the 2018 Yabuli Youth Forum Innovation Annual Meeting on June 23, FinEX Asia co-founder and President Angie Lin explained how simplicity, transparency and efficiency are the biggest pain points for financial technology in Asia. The following is the text of the speech, edited for length.

Neutral Rates, Stronger Consumers

The US Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates again in June, arriving at many economists call a neutral policy rate. Calculated in different ways, the neutral policy rate basically means the Fed is neither stimulating the economy nor restraining it.

PE Investment Connects Fintech with Global Capital Flows

How does the financial technology (fintech) industry connect with global capital flows? The answer is private equity investment. Angie Lin, Co-founder and President at FinEX Asia delivered a keynote speech at the Fintech Gloria event on June 7 in Taipei at National Checgchi University, explaining how

US Banks Maintain Positive View on Consumer Lending Despite Rate Hike

The US Federal Reserve’s latest consumer lending survey responses signaled that banks remain positive on consumer lending, despite expectations that the central bank will raise overnight lending rates at least two more times in 2018. Consumer lending in the US totals more than US$3.8 trillion, with average gross interest rates…

Price Volatility & AI: Key Themes at Asian Investment Week

Asian investors are known for their search for yield, but recent market instability has changed both the focus and means of seeking out solid, stable returns. FinEX Asia CEO, Maggie Ng, will share her thoughts on both issues at the upcoming Asian Investment Week, organized by Asian Investor.

FinEX Asia Celebrates First-year Successes and Milestones

As we celebrate the first year of FinEX Asia, we’re proud of the progress we made and excited for what’s to come. In the last 12 months, we received two investment licenses and deployed more than US$100 million in assets, which was invested in more than 15,000 loans.

Difference Between Bond and Consumer Lending Investment

If you are looking for a lucrative investment strategy, many investment experts will suggest the idea of high-yield corporate bonds. Corporate bonds and other types of investment solutions can be an excellent way that you can develop fairly secure investments that can help you gradually improve your portfolio over time.

Fintech vs. Banking – Echoes of Amazon vs. Walmart?

2017 was the year that the retail giants Amazon and Walmart battled it out – and while both of these huge brands ended the year with positive growth, other, lesser outlets did not fare as well. All eyes were on Amazon when they purchased Whole Foods in the summer of…

US Personal Loans Market as a Safe Haven

Last week we witnessed dramatic declines of the stock markets all across the world. The last time something like this happened was in 2008, when subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the US. Now speculations intensified about the likelihood of a similar crisis in the near future. However, it is…

Think Smart – Invest Like a Bank

Consumer lending continues to generate revenues for not only traditional banks, but for a new breed of technology – based lending platform as well. While this vertical continues to be both attractive and lucrative, it has yet to catch on with investors in Asia. Examining this unique and ongoing investment…

2017 Investment Review

2017 was a nervous, eventful, and rather productive year. The recovery of the world economy has gradually gained momentum, and this fact did not fail to affect the profitability of the investments. The undisputed leader among the investment assets was the stocks market.

AI-enhanced Investing: 2018 and Beyond

Artificial Intelligence (AI), again one of those terms that everybody talks about yet very few actually have a clue. Loosely being used interchangeably with Machine Learning (ML) and seemingly has much to do with data analytics in general, most have to claim these days that it is being utilised somehow…

US Consumer Lending in 2017

The beginning of the year is not just a whole series of holidays but also the right time to sum up the results of 2017 and try to predict what to expect in 2018. Last year was quite a good one for the US consumer lending. In fact, it was…

Cryptos : To Be or Not to Be

It has certainly been quite a while since we were last bombarded by a series of funds all running a similar ‘emerging’ strategy. Cryptos 'Multi-Strategy' is suddenly all the rave as we see funds mushrooming across the globe from Jersey to Singapore and then back to Zug, prompting even HFR…

Difference Between Chinese and U.S. Online Marketplace Lending

The state of online marketplace lending in China today is very different from in other areas of the world. In the year 2007 a number of marketplace platforms really started to boost the use of this type of lending in China especially. Retail investors and other small business investors were…

Blockchain and Customer Service in Banking

While we have seen the various merits of block chain technology with relation to asset management and the core of financial technology, it's tough to connect the dots and see if block chain will have answers in customer service as well. Blockchain data is something that's always going to be…

The Biggest Advantages of Blockchain for Data Security

When many of us see block chain for the future of fintech and traditional finance one of the biggest questions that many people raise is the idea of security alongside block chain technology. The truth of the matter is that block chain is extremely transparent in the fact that it…

The Future of AI

AI technology is expanding at a rapid pace and while some of the simple or weak AI systems that have been developed are implemented for everyday data analysis, customer service and more, future systems could represent drastic changes in society.

How AI is Transforming Wealth Management

Does the Idea of placing your trust in one single advisor to transform and manage your wealth seem quite stressful? Well the future of wealth management looks like it could be dominated more so with AI. Wealth management is being transformed and brought into a world where client e-mails are…

AI and Financial Services

AI today is advancing at a rapid pace and one of the biggest industries that is interested in investing in this new type of technology is that of finance. Many banks and lending institutions are interested in ramping up their AI development so that they could one day have an…

Artificial Intelligence 101 – Introduction to AI

Artificial intelligence is something that is being talked about more than ever. The term AI is something that has been around since the 1950s as the idea of creating a machine that can learn. Today there are many companies that are advancing computing power and working on research and development…

Five Misconceptions on Online Marketplace Lending

Online marketplace lending is exploding in popularity among consumers and investors all over the world. This sector only got its start in 2005 with a few daring European firms. Today, the global value of this industry exceeds $180 billion, and is expected to shortly top $200 billion.

What Are FICO Scores and How Do They Affect U.S. Consumer Credit?

FICO scores are a type of credit score that is widely used by lenders when assessing credit risks for consumer borrowers. While not usually the only factor, FICO scores weigh heavily on almost every kind of consumer credit decision including mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, and even store credit cards.

Origins of Online Marketplace Lending

Finance buzzwords come and go, but the truth is that while “marketplace lending” is a term that has only been bandied about for a decade, the concept itself can be traced back to the roots of civilization itself. The concept of ‘interest’ was also invented, except back in the day…

Key Takeaways from Hong Kong Fintech Week

The second annual Hong Kong Fintech Week brought together some of the sharpest minds and most forward thinkers in finance and technology. The event ran from October 23rd through October 27th. The program had three organizing sponsors.

The Advantages of Blockchain for Data Security

Data security is one of the biggest threats for all internet-connected companies. However, financial firms tend to be especially attractive targets for thieves and other cyber criminals. Often it seems the companies and hackers are in a cyber security arms race, and that the hackers are winning.

How Technology is Increasing Transparency

The ever-increasing pace of technological advancement has unleashed a lot of powerful forces in societies around the world. One of the forces that are changing the way financial consumers form business relationships is transparency. All across the world there is now a greater thirst for transparency than ever before.

How FinTech is Reshaping Wealth Management

Despite a running start of over two centuries, in just a few short years, traditional wealth management models have discovered that every facet of their basic business models are under threat both perceptually and economically from hundreds of new entrants.

What You Need to Know About FinTech and Financial Services

One of the fastest growing sectors of the current tech boom has been FinTech. FinTech includes companies as internet payment giant PayPal, a cloud-based human resources platform called Zenefits, and a consumer credit monitoring and repair service called Credit Karma.

Online Marketplace Lending: Opportunities and Challenges

Online marketplace lending is booming. Online lender Prosper recently closed a $50 million round of funding. While there is no authoritative value for the global online marketplace lending industry, the U.S. Treasury is interested enough in the sector to have released a comprehensive white paper in June of 2017.

Five Major Hurdles Facing Professional Asian Investors

Professional investors throughout Asia are facing major hurdles when they are looking to expand their portfolios. However, thanks to a growing global economy, exciting new technology, and innovative business practices, none of these hurdles are insurmountable.

What You Need to Know From Lendit Europe 2017

For two days in early October, Europe’s financial services sector movers and shakers met in London to discuss what the future of the industry will look like. Lendit Europe is the premier event for innovation in financial services. During this year’s event, three key themes emerged from the different panels…

Why Invest in US Consumer Loans?

Investing in consumer loans can be a unique investment strategy that can deliver increased security for investors that may not be interested in investing in commodities, stocks or assets. Investing in US consumer loans can also add a well-rounded support unit for your portfolio.

Online Marketplace Lending as an Investment

Online marketplace lending is becoming a very popular way for investors to utilize a start-up economy as a means for lending individuals their money to receive investment dollars back for their initial lending investment. From a marketplace lending space, a person can create a portfolio of fairly new and slightly risky…

Return of US Consumer Loan Investing

There are many situations for Americans in which there is a need for money as soon as possible. Urgent loans or consumer loans are often a solution that many Americans take on in order for them to avoid having to default on payments, to access emergency funds when required and…

FinEX Asia Introduces to Hong Kong

FinEX Asia today kicked off the inaugural, a new forum with global fintech CEOs about the ongoing evolution of fintech in Asia Pacific. Similar forums will be held in Taipei (18 July) and Singapore (20 July) as part of a three-city tour. is bringing together some of the…
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